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Parent or Caregiver

I was wracked with worry and felt guilty for not knowing that she was drinking alcohol in the first place. “How could I have missed it?!”
When addiction hit my daughter, it was like a tornado hitting our home from the inside out. Learning to talk to her was like learning a different language.
Education about the dangers of drug and alcohol use is all about being relatable. By sharing his personal story, my son helped kids think differently.
Accepting that a loved one has a drug or alcohol problem doesn’t mean you condone it.
As parents of loved ones with a drug or alcohol addiction, how many times did we blow right through the warning signs as if they weren’t even there?
I have learned that there is a big difference between rules and boundaries. My misunderstanding of this before is a regret I live with every day.
How do you have fun or enjoy anything when someone you love is lost in their disease?
I understand that there is truly only so much that I can do to save my daughter from addiction. Ultimately her recovery is between her and her Higher Power.
Substance use turned this mother’s son from a normal 20-year-old to someone she no longer recognized.
Alcohol and drug use was an issue we never talked about in my family. It wasn’t too long before I found myself dealing with addiction.
La reducción de daños parte de la idea de que minimizar los riesgos del consumo de sustancias puede salvar la vida de un ser querido. Y considera que la abstinencia no es la única forma de avanzar hacia el bienestar y a una vida más saludable. Ofrecemos recursos e información sobre reducción de daños y como ponerla en práctica.
El final del tratamiento para el trastorno por consumo de sustancias es solo el comienzo del camino hacia la recuperación. Su hija o hijo necesitará de su apoyo durante este trayecto.
Muchas familias enfrentan el uso de drogas o alcohol de sus hijos. Estamos aquí para ayudarte.
No existe una respuesta única para todas las personas, por lo que se necesita mucho tiempo y energía para averiguar qué tipo de ayuda necesita su hija o hijo, y cómo puede obtenerla.
Physician and author Carl Erik Fisher on the history of addiction and the capacity for recovery.
Antes de tomar cualquier decisión, tómese el tiempo para entender el tratamiento que le interesa, lo que ofrece y cuáles son las opciones disponibles.
En esta guía, le explicamos los riesgos de que las niñas, niños y jóvenes consuman alcohol, por qué les llama la atención y lo que usted puede hacer para protegerlos.
Learn how to better understand your child’s reasons for substance use, improve communication and begin turning the page on their substance use.
We are dedicated to ensuring you have the support and information you need to address substance use and addiction during the pandemic.
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