In the season finale of Heart of the Matter, Broadway star and American Idol finalist Constantine Maroulis opens up about his personal struggle with substance use.
Jackie Siegel, also known as “The Queen of Versailles,” joins Elizabeth Vargas to share the heartbreaking journey of her daughter Victoria, who struggled with addiction and ultimately passed away from an overdose at 18 years old, after years of hidden mental health challenges and substance use.
Drinking and driving is a major problem that puts everyone on the road at risk. When someone drinks alcohol, it affects their ability to think clearly and make good decisions.
Over the past year, you may have heard of something called a “BORG” related to college students. These BORGs aren’t from Star Trek – they’re “blackout rage gallons,” AKA gallon jugs of alcohol combined with water, juice, and other mixers.
Elizabeth Vargas sits down with philanthropist and author Cammie Wolf Rice. Cammie shares the heartbreaking story of her son Christopher’s fatal overdose at age 32, following an opioid prescription that led to more than a decade of addiction.
Nitrous oxide is usually used in medical settings, like at the dentist’s office, or in whipped cream cans. However, it’s becoming more popular as a recreational drug among teens, and that’s where the problems begin.
Former U.S. Representative Patrick Kennedy discusses his book “Profiles in Mental Health Courage,” spotlighting a diverse group of people who have struggled with their mental health, and Tonie “Miss Tonie” Dreher, who is featured in this book, talks about her journey from struggling with substance use disorder.
Los grupos de apoyo para personas que tienen un familiar con un trastorno por consumo de sustancias pueden ser herramientas cruciales que nos ayuden a sentirnos menos solos en momentos complicados. En este artículo, presentamos una selección de grupos de apoyo conducidos en español para personas con un ser querido que enfrenta un trastorno por consumo de sustancias
¿Su pareja, una amiga o amigo, o un familiar, tiene un problema de drogas o alcohol? Probablemente se esté preguntando cómo puede ayudarle. Aquí presentamos respuestas a algunas preguntas comunes.
Being sober curious can mean giving up alcohol entirely, taking a break or drinking in moderation. If you or your loved one are interested in exploring your relationship with alcohol, here are some ideas to get you started.
In this resource center, we will explain some of the details of insurance. We will help you understand your rights to receiving coverage for proper substance use disorder care. There are many tools and resources you can use when trying to use your insurance to pay for care or when navigating a denial. The bottom line: you should never accept a “no” from your insurance company.
No hay evidencia sólida de que la marihuana esté siendo mezclada con fentanilo. En este artículo explicamos las razones por las que es poco probable que gente que consume marihuana pueda sufrir los efectos del fentanilo.
Staging an intervention for a loved one who is struggling with substance use is a big step. By planning this intervention together, your family can help them start their journey toward recovery and a brighter future.
Medications for alcohol use disorder, such as Disulfiram, Naltrexone, and Acamprosate, can play an important role as part of a complete treatment plan.
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