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The Latest News from Our Field

We curate a digest of the latest news in our field for advocates, policymakers, community coalitions and all who work toward shaping policies and practices to effectively prevent substance use and treat addiction.

AleksandrYu / Getty Images
Use of e-cigarettes decreased among teens in the first few months of the pandemic, according to an online survey.
Find more of our must-reads in policy news, including updated buprenorphine practice guidelines.
View our curated digest of the latest research news, including patterns of opioid use in youths and young adults following first-time opioid prescription.
Axel Bueckert / Getty Images
Growing evidence suggests Americans are drinking more in response to the pandemic, The New York Times reports. The increase in women’s drinking has been especially steep.
Darwin Brandis / Getty Images
A new study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention finds West Virginia had the highest costs per person due to opioid use disorder and deaths in 2017.
Pam Walker / Getty Images
The Biden administration is weighing whether to reduce the amount of nicotine permitted in cigarettes, The Hill reports. The administration is also considering banning menthol cigarettes.
Find more of our must-reads in policy news, including the $1.02 trillion cost of the opioid crisis.
View our curated digest of the latest research news, including adolescent risk factors for alcohol, marijuana and cigarette polysubstance use.
Shapecharge / Getty Images
A new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention finds more than 87,000 Americans died of overdoses in the 12-month period that ended in September — a 29% increase from the previous year.
George Clerk / Getty Images
A ban on menthol cigarettes in Canada led to a steep increase in the number of smokers who quit, a new study finds. The researchers said a similar ban in the United States would likely have an even greater impact on smoking quit rates.
Kanjana Jorruang / Getty Images
The amounts of THC and CBD in medical cannabis products often are different from what is stated on the label, according to a new study.
Find more of our must-reads in policy news, including the continued surge in overdose deaths.
View our curated digest of the latest research news, including the effects of depression, anxiety and screen use on adolescent substance use.
JazzIRT / Getty Images
Drug overdose deaths rose 27% in the United States in the 12-month period ending in August 2020, according to new government data. The increase was largely driven by illicitly manufactured fentanyl and synthetic opioids.
vm / Getty Images
The length of children’s mental health emergency department visits increased over a 10-year period, a new study finds. The majority of time is spent determining an appropriate discharge or admission plan, the researchers said.
Hollie Adams/Getty Images
A new study finds marijuana use does not appear to decrease people’s activity levels. The findings suggest people who use marijuana may have higher levels of exercise compared with those who don’t, HealthDay reports.
Find more of our must-reads in policy news, including CDC data on rising overdose deaths.
View our curated digest of the latest research news, including the effects of social learning, social bonding and self-control on adolescent nicotine vaping.
A new study finds young people who first try marijuana or misuse prescription drugs when they are teens are more likely to develop a substance use disorder than those who wait until they are young adults before their first substance use or misuse.
More than 60% of opioid painkillers prescribed to surgical patients are not used, according to a new study.The researchers say the findings have implications for curbing the opioid epidemic.
More than half of children and teens with mental health symptoms are not receiving treatment, according to a study of three U.S. national surveys.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is calling on the manufacturers of inhalers that contain the nasal decongestant propylhexedrine to make design changes to prevent misuse, HealthDay reports.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo signed legislation Wednesday legalizing recreational marijuana, making New York the 15th state to legalize the recreational use of cannabis.
A survey of parents finds those with children in hybrid learning programs that combine in-person and virtual school are more likely to say they started or increased using substances to help cope with stress or emotions during the COVID-19 pandemic, CNBC reports.
A group of House Democrats has asked the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to ban all flavored e-cigarettes, including disposable products, The Hill reports.
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