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These so-called “designer drugs” are stimulants similar to MDMA or Ecstasy. They are produced illegally and the dosage and quality varies considerably.
Bath Salts are substituted cathinones, which are synthetic, concentrated versions of the stimulant chemical in Khat.
These drugs are often referred to as diet pills, and have been developed and marketed to replace amphetamines as appetite suppressants.
Peter Dazeley / Getty Images
More than 40 chemicals in tobacco smoke are known to cause cancer in humans and animals, and the harmful effects of smoking do not end with the smoker.
Salvia (aka salvia divinorum) is a psychoactive mint, used in traditional spiritual practices by the Mazatec people of Mexico.
Rohypnol (aka "Ruffie") is the brand name for a drug called flunitrazepam, which is a powerful sedative that depresses the central nervous system.
Used to treat congestion associated with allergies, hay fever, sinus irritation, and the common cold. Pseudoephedrine is also a key ingredient in the production of the illicit drug methamphetamine.
These drugs slow normal brain function, which may result in slurred speech, shallow breathing, sluggishness, fatigue, disorientation and lack of coordination.
Opioids are powerful drugs with a high risk for dependency. Taken in high doses, and/or with other substances can result in respiratory distress and death.
PMA, or paramethoxyamphetamine, is a synthetic hallucinogen often sold as Ecstasy.
Peyote is a small, spineless cactus, Lophophora williamsii, whose principal active ingredient is the hallucinogen mescaline.
PCP, or phencyclidine, is a “dissociative” anesthetic. People using PCP experience a feeling of being “out of body” and detached from their environment.
Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant and contains ethyl alcohol or ethanol.
The path to recovery is difficult. But please know you are not walking alone in addiction– hands of help are reaching out to you with your every step.
I am grateful for the responsibilities that life presents and, thanks to recovery, I am prepared to face them.
All of us — men and women alike, who contend with family members, especially children, suffering from substance use disorder, are haunted by loss.
These were men that drank and played hard during a time when there was less discrimination over a swing and a swig. Men whose substance use were denied or protected, sometimes even by the sportswriters who sat at the bar with them.
Dear Dad, I am grateful for all that you have done during my addiction and continue to do for me. I would not be alive and well today if it weren’t for you.
When it comes to a child using drugs or alcohol, collaboration with your co-parent is key.
What do I wish I had done differently?
After experiencing and acknowledging emotions brought about in parenting an addicted child, I believe that I will better cope with negative feelings that arise.
Detach from the actions, crimes, drug use, and lying. Love and support the person inside, not the addiction controlling his life.
Like many parents, I felt that my son's addiction was every bit of my problem as it was his. I didn't know what I was doing wrong.
From honor student to nearly failing his freshman year, my son was on the fast-track to the dark side. Though he hadn't developed an addiction, he was well on his way.
Dealing with our daughter’s addiction was by far the most difficult and the most painful thing we have had to navigate together as a couple.
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