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Parent or Caregiver

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Nitazenes are powerful lab-made opioids, such as metonitazene and isotonitazene, with no approved medical use. They are potentially 40 times stronger than fentanyl and are difficult to detect through standard drug tests or testing strips.
Los opioides han estado presentes en la mayoría de las sobredosis de los últimos años en Estados Unidos. Es importante conocer qué estrategias pueden reducir los daños de consumir opioides a fin de disminuir el riesgo de enfermedad y muerte.
¿Cómo puede usted hablar sobre la reducción de daños con su ser querido sin que ella o él sienta que usted aprueba su consumo de sustancias o que está alentándole para que consuma?
Es posible que usted desee que su ser querido no beba en lo absoluto. Sin embargo, si ser querido consume alcohol, ocasional o frecuentemente, aquí hay algunas estrategias que usted puede compartir a fin de reducir los riesgos asociados con su consumo.
When we talk about harm reduction, we are not asking our loved ones to use substances less or to stop altogether; rather, we want them to be safe. Having these conversations can be difficult, but communication strategies like the Information Sandwich can help.
In the past year, Partnership to End Addiction has made significant progress in DEIB through internal initiatives and collaborations. The organization’s commitment to DEIB is crucial for fostering a more inclusive and diverse environment.
The FDA and many state health agencies are raising the alarm about tianeptine, also called “gas station heroin." It is illegally marketed in smoke shops, convenience stores, gas stations and online as a dietary supplement, research chemical or brain enhancer. Some of the more common brand names include ZaZa, Pegasus, Neptune’s Fix and Tianna Red.
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Ibogaine is a natural substance found in the root of a plant that grows in West Africa. In small amounts, ibogaine works as a mild stimulant, and people have been using it for a long time to fight tiredness, hunger, and thirst. When taken in larger amounts, it can create strong mind-altering experiences.
Developed in Switzerland, the Bernese Method allows your loved one to continue using their opioid of choice at first, while adding in small, increasing doses of buprenorphine at the same time. This gradual approach has led to promising results, as patients report the process to be more manageable and less overwhelming.
Stimulants, which include cocaine and amphetamines, speed up the body’s system, which increases blood pressure and heart rate. This can result in serious health issues, and they are often involved in overdoses.
Opioids have been involved in most overdoses in the U.S. over the past several years. These include heroin, morphine, prescription opioids and synthetic opioids like fentanyl. While you may wish that your loved one not use opioids at all, if they do, here are some harm reduction strategies for opioid use that you can share with them to reduce their risk of illness and death.
Regular drinking can have serious health consequences, including the risk of several kinds of cancer. You may wish that your loved one not drink at all, but if they do use alcohol, occasionally or frequently, here are some strategies you can share with them to reduce the risks associated with use.
Dabbing is a method of consuming marijuana in a concentrated form. Referred to as “dabs,” these marijuana concentrates usually look like dark brown or yellow-colored wax and can feel very sticky and gummy. Marijuana dabs are used by vaporizing the concentrates on a hot surface and inhaling the resulting fumes. Slang terms for dabs include butane hash oil, honey oil, budder, crumble and shatter.
Es importante que usted tome medidas si le preocupa que su adolescente esté consumiendo sustancias. En esta guía, encontrará respuestas a preguntas que los padres y las personas a cargo de adolescentes suelen tener sobre cómo hablar con su ser querido para mantenerle seguro.
It can be hard to know how best support and care for an adult child. There is no playbook. It can sometimes be more challenging if they are not living at home, especially when you receive that panicked phone call they need help. While there are no one-size-fits-all answers to these concerns, we offer some suggestions as to ways you can maintain positive relationships with your adult children.