Addiction is a preventable, treatable disease, not a moral failing. As with other illnesses, the approaches most likely to work are based on science — not on faith, tradition, contrition, or wishful thinking.
After treatment, the main question is usually, “What now?” As a young person in recovery myself, I might not be able to tell you what to expect — but I feel I can at least tell you what not to expect.
Our family suffered for years in silence through this horrific journey of my son's heroin addiction, but now we can speak of Ryan’s health problem out loud.
Download our guide on what to do when your child is struggling with mental health issues at the same time as substance use, known as having co-occurring disorders.
Thanksgiving, Christmas, birthdays or anything that was special to our family — our son who was using drugs found a way to bring heartache to the occasion. Here are my tips for dealing with it.
We have come to accept these truths. Today it's much easier to deal with the heartache. We have become more effective at helping our son with his addiction.
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