A 3D-animated series of advertisements features music by Grammy-nominated band The Lumineers. A podcast hosted by Emmy Award-winning journalist and bestselling author Elizabeth Vargas has also launched.
I really wanted this opportunity to help guide people to a reliable resource for addiction information and support. It's something I wish I'd had and something I have seen friends and family struggle to find.
Healthy connections can help prevent alcohol or drug use and even support sustained recovery for people who have struggled with substance use in the past.
Through the parent coach program, I had learned how to care for me and how to live life again. Missing that call didn’t change anything, and it certainly didn’t make it any less devastating.
Dr. Vivek H. Murthy served as the 19th Surgeon General of the United States appointed by President Barack Obama. As the Vice Admiral of the US Public Health Service Commissioned Corps, he commanded a uniformed service of 6,600 public health officers globally. During his tenure, Dr. Murthy launched the TurnTheTide campaign, catalyzing a movement among health professionals to address the nation’s opioid crisis. He also issued the first Surgeon General’s Report on Alcohol, Drugs, and Health, calling for expanded access to prevention and treatment and for recognizing addiction as a chronic illness, not a character flaw.
Partners for Hope Marathon team member Jason Brown shares his recovery journey, which has included lots of running. Writes Jason, "Today, for Dominick, I see it as my responsibility to keep him away from the path that I took those years ago, and with this responsibility comes the need for honesty and communication."
BREAKING POINTS is a 30-minute documentary that explores the stress and pressures our teens face every day, as well as the unhealthy ways many of them cope, including misusing prescription stimulants.
Preventing and addressing addiction is a learning process. Materials are designed to be printed, read at your convenience and used as a frequent reference.
Self-deceptive thought, or "stinkin thinkin, "can undermine self-esteem and threaten the sobriety of recovering individuals. Here's how to overcome it.
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