Expert Resources for Supporting Loved Ones with Addiction
Discover expert insights and practical guidance from clinicians, researchers, and specialists to help parents, families and professionals support loved ones and community members with substance use disorder and addiction.
It is very important to work with treatment providers on an aftercare plan. The clinical team should be able to provide suggestions as to housing options.
Siblings may feel angry if they're not getting the same level of support. The more you reach out to your children, the easier it is to unify your family.
The hurt you feel and is understandable and valid. But, remember, your child does not want to feel the pain they feel nor do they want to cause you pain.
If your child has a slip or a relapse, it doesn’t mean that previous time spent in recovery is wasted. The main thing is for them to keep moving forward.
Family therapy or counseling is highly successful when treating a teen or young adult with a substance use disorder as it strengthens the family system.
Unless you feel unsafe, you wouldn't throw someone out of the house if they had another illness. Expressing support keeps the door open for conversation.
Have you been thinking about getting your son or daughter help for a drug or alcohol problem? Here are some ways to approach improving your child’s health.
Take time to surround yourself with people who are empathetic and compassionate. Consider which family members or friends will be the best support for you.
The words 'tough love' can imply that anything nice you do for your child is 'enabling'. But parents can be a powerful influence in motivating their child.
In most cases, your child cannot be forced into treatment. However, CRAFT is an approach family members can use to motivate behavior change in a loved one.
We’ve been on the front lines of this issue for decades. But we can’t do it alone. Your voice can make a difference. Together, we can solve this crisis
Unethical addiction treatment is unfortunately abundant. Learn to discern quality, clinical treatment from providers without your child's best interest at heart.
Many teens suffer from depression, anxiety or other mental illness. Unfortunately, this puts them more at risk for developing a drug problem and co-occurring disorders.
The intent of HIPPA is to protect a patient’s privacy. Sometimes, it is possible to give information to a service provider even if they cannot reciprocate.
Many parents ask why their kid can't just stop. But as more studies are confirming, drugs are actually creating changes in his or her brain. Learn why.
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