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Help Us Change the Story of Addiction

We’re harnessing the inherent power of storytelling to lift the voices of those impacted by addiction, illustrate barriers, offer solutions and inspire others to take action.

We’re harnessing the inherent power of storytelling to lift the voices of those impacted by addiction, illustrate barriers, offer solutions and inspire others to take action.

  • Show me stories about

I was one of the lucky ones to receive medication to treat my opioid addiction

Legal and regulatory restrictions, stigma, and other barriers make it difficult for many patients to access FDA-approved medications to treat opioid use disorder (MOUD).

Prescription Medication

I turned to substances to self-medicate

Mental illness among youth is often undiagnosed and untreated, leading youth to self-medicate with substances.

My son overdosed in a sober house

Sober homes can be an important component of recovery but lack of regulation creates the risk for fraud.

The insurance company insisted my son needed to fail at treatment before providing coverage

“Fail-first” policies put patients at unnecessary risk for suffering a fatal overdose while trying to get coverage for treatment.

Our insurance company refused to cover the long-term treatment my son needed

Even though addiction is a chronic disease, it is often treated with brief, episodic care.

Our son overdosed in his doctor’s office and they had no idea what to do

Health care providers receive minimal training to address addiction and are unequipped to identify, treat and manage this common life-threatening disease.

My parents and I weren’t taught effective ways to prevent substance use

Substance use prevention is often under-funded and evidence-based programs are not widely utilized.

david and greg

A Good Samaritan Law may have saved Greg’s life

Good Samaritan Laws provide legal protections for individuals who are present or provide assistance during an overdose.

My son turned to substances to self-treat his mental illness

Mental illness among youth is often undiagnosed and untreated, leading youth to self-medicate with substances.