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Parent or Caregiver

We are dedicated to ensuring you have the support and information you need to address substance use and addiction during the pandemic.
Have a concern about your son or daughter struggling with substance use? Get ongoing support and resources tailored to you and your child's needs.
Losing a loved one to substance use can be unbearable. Our peer parent coaches who have lost children know the pain and stigma so well. They share their knowledge, wisdom and heart as to how they navigated this journey and offer resources for your use.
It can be devastating to lose a family member to substance use or an overdose. With the help of our peer parent coaches who have navigated this terrible loss, we have complied a list of resources we hope can help bring healing.
Whether it's fundraising, advocating or working directly with families, help us ensure every family impacted by addiction gets the help it needs.
Realizing that your teen or young adult child needs help for his or her substance use can be scary and overwhelming. We’re here to help.
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