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Expert Resources for Supporting Loved Ones with Addiction

Discover expert insights and practical guidance from clinicians, researchers, and specialists to help parents, families and professionals support loved ones and community members with substance use disorder and addiction.

Just talking to your child is only half the job. You can keep the lines of communication open by knowing how to listen and when to talk.
Provides online resources for parents, healthcare providers, educators and community leaders on appropriate storage and safe disposal of medications.
Our community partners network connect the essential efforts of local organizations to science-based resources that can help families.
Your child's drug use has likely caused overwhelming stress, fear and even anger. Taking care of yourself is essential to taking care of your loved ones.
Whether you are sharing your recovery journey or creating a memorial in honor of a loved one, we’re here to help you share and create successful fundraisers as our newest Partner for Hope.
We couldn't provide the support for families struggling with their child's drug use that we do without the help of our Parent Coaches and other volunteers.
Learn more about Partnership to End Addiction.
We hire deeply talented and committed individuals who want to help transform how our nation addresses addiction.
Our mission is to transform how the nation addresses addiction. Learn more about how we're accomplishing this aim.
Browse some of the books we've found most helpful. A percentage of your purchase made via this page helps support our programs and services.
Learn about teen prescription drug abuse through the eyes of a teen filmmaker who set out to capture the issue as it exists in his world.
There’s a reason teens behave the way they do. Understand how your teen’s brain is developing and why this is so important to preventing drug use.
Straightforward drug prevention tips parents can use for kids of any age, from toddler to teenager to young adult.
Self-care is essential to managing the stress, anxiety and other negative emotions that come with helping a loved one through addiction and substance use.
Understanding why some teens drink or use drugs is a valuable step toward keeping them healthy and safe.
The best way to prevent your child from taking negative risks is to replace them with healthy risks.
Identify whether your child could be at higher risk for drug or alcohol use, and learn common reasons for why young people may use.
Before making any decisions about substance use and addiction treatment for your child, take time to understand the options available.
The end of substance use treatment is just the beginning of the road to recovery. Your child will need your help and support to get there.
What do you do, and what can you say if your child has been caught drinking?
Take action by having frequent conversations with the teens and young adults in your life about the dangers of medicine misuse. Learn how.
Used as directed, medicines improve our lives. When misused or abused, the consequences can be devastating. Learn more about this epidemic.
Figuring out the type of care needed, getting your loved one into a program and getting it covered by insurance aren't easy. Get the full picture.