Drinking and driving is a major problem that puts everyone on the road at risk. When someone drinks alcohol, it affects their ability to think clearly and make good decisions.
Nitrous oxide is usually used in medical settings, like at the dentist’s office, or in whipped cream cans. However, it’s becoming more popular as a recreational drug among teens, and that’s where the problems begin.
Being sober curious can mean giving up alcohol entirely, taking a break or drinking in moderation. If you or your loved one are interested in exploring your relationship with alcohol, here are some ideas to get you started.
Staging an intervention for a loved one who is struggling with substance use is a big step. By planning this intervention together, your family can help them start their journey toward recovery and a brighter future.
The link between panic attacks and substance use is complex and often co-occur as part of other mental health conditions. By providing consistent support and encouragement, you can play a vital role in your loved one's journey toward recovery.
When we talk about harm reduction, we are not asking our loved ones to use substances less or to stop altogether; rather, we want them to be safe. Having these conversations can be difficult, but communication strategies like the Information Sandwich can help.
Siblings may feel angry if they're not getting the same level of support. The more you reach out to your children, the easier it is to unify your family.
Take time to surround yourself with people who are empathetic and compassionate. Consider which family members or friends will be the best support for you.
It is important not to stay isolated. The more you can connect with people who understand, the more help you will be to your struggling child.
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