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    We know addiction is complicated and there’s no one solution. For those seeking to learn about the topic, it can be difficult to navigate the many sources of information available on the causes and nature of substance use and addiction and how best to address their associated personal, social, economic and political consequences. Information available online can be scientifically inaccurate or outdated or driven by a biased agenda.

    Ours is a public health approach, and it is rooted exclusively in science and compassion. We publish position statements on topics within the field that may be misunderstood or controversial. Each of our statements is published only after we conduct a thorough and unbiased investigation of the relevant scientific and policy literature, ensuring that our positions are deeply rooted in evidence. We also draw on the experiences of families struggling with substance or addiction who engage with our experts and resources to learn, share their stories and seek our professional and peer support. This ensures that our positions are not only guided by science but also by a true understanding of the challenges faced by individuals and families dealing with substance use and addiction in their own lives.

    Our position statements address prevention, treatment and recovery as they relate to all addictive substances. They seek to inform the public and guide policymaking on critical topics that affect families, from youth vaping to marijuana legalization to medications for opioid use disorder. In each case, they take a balanced and reasoned approach aimed at supporting Partnership’s central mission: to transform how our nation addresses addiction.

    Current positions

    In order to effectively address our nation’s addiction crisis, addiction must be fully integrated within the mainstream health care system. Read More
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    The combination of several factors makes adolescence the critical period of vulnerability for beginning to use addictive substances and for developing the disease of addiction. Read More
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    Partnership to End Addiction supports reducing barriers to effective substance use disorder treatment, including eliminating the DATA 2000 waiver required to prescribe buprenorphine. Read More
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    Partnership to End Addiction recommends that the federal government adopt a number of policy changes to address the youth vaping epidemic. Read More
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    Partnership to End Addiction supports the use of harm reduction strategies and interventions for people who use substances, including alcohol, marijuana, nicotine, opioids, and stimulants, among others. Read More
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    Partnership to End Addiction supports the decriminalization of marijuana because it more appropriately addresses marijuana use as a public health problem, rather than a crime. Read More
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    Partnership to End Addiction opposes the legalization of marijuana for recreational use because it will increase access to and use of the drug among adolescents. Read More
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    Partnership to End Addiction encourages research on the medicinal value of marijuana and the use of any U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved medications derived from marijuana or containing cannabinoids. Read More
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    Medications prescribed by a physician are the most effective, potentially lifesaving, treatment for opioid addiction. Read more about our position on medication to treat addiction. Read More
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    Partnership to End Addiction urges the use of a public health-based approach to addiction and opposes the recent shift toward punitive responses. Read More
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    Last Updated

    April 2024