In the season finale of Heart of the Matter, Broadway star and American Idol finalist Constantine Maroulis opens up about his personal struggle with substance use.
Drinking and driving is a major problem that puts everyone on the road at risk. When someone drinks alcohol, it affects their ability to think clearly and make good decisions.
An RTI analysis of health claims data found disproportionate use of out-of-network providers for mental health and substance use care compared to medical/surgical care.
Partnership to End Addiction joined 15 other leading behavioral health organizations in applauding new rules to strengthen the enforcement of the Parity Act.
¿Su pareja, una amiga o amigo, o un familiar, tiene un problema de drogas o alcohol? Probablemente se esté preguntando cómo puede ayudarle. Aquí presentamos respuestas a algunas preguntas comunes.
Being sober curious can mean giving up alcohol entirely, taking a break or drinking in moderation. If you or your loved one are interested in exploring your relationship with alcohol, here are some ideas to get you started.
Staging an intervention for a loved one who is struggling with substance use is a big step. By planning this intervention together, your family can help them start their journey toward recovery and a brighter future.
Medications for alcohol use disorder, such as Disulfiram, Naltrexone, and Acamprosate, can play an important role as part of a complete treatment plan.
By knowing how BAC is measured, the factors that affect it, and the signs of high BAC levels, people can better manage their drinking and stay within safe limits.
People with schizophrenia have a significantly higher risk of developing substance use disorder. Here, we will explore the connection between substance use disorder and schizophrenia and how you can support a loved one experiencing both conditions.
The Strengthening Our Pediatric Mental Health Workforce Act would help increase the availability and accessibility of providers trained to treat youth mental health and substance use disorders.
ADHD's potential link to substance use disorder is a significant concern for those diagnosed with it. Understanding this link is key to getting appropriate help sooner.
Besides recreational use, some early studies and personal reports or personal stories and experiences suggest that 5-MeO-DMT might help with anxiety, depression, and PTSD. However, further research is needed to know if it’s safe and effective, as it has been linked to deaths
Supporting a loved one who is struggling with addiction can be an incredibly challenging and isolating experience, but you don’t have to face it alone. Addiction support groups for families offer a lifeline of understanding, information, and emotional support.
An addiction hotline and an addiction helpline might sound similar, but they serve different purposes and offer unique forms of support when a loved one is using alcohol and other drugs. Understanding these differences can help you choose the best option for your situation.
You’ve likely heard that medical marijuana (cannabis) is being used more and more frequently to treat mental and physical health problems. As its popularity has grown, so has interest in its potential benefits. But with all the noise surrounding medical marijuana, it can be hard to know what it can actually do.
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