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Prior authorization requirements impose a unique barrier for individuals seeking substance use disorder (SUD) treatment, delaying care at a critical moment.
Health insurance providers must cover a full continuum of services and a robust network of providers to ensure access to mental health and substance use disorder treatment. This report examines network adequacy standards.
Addiction is a complex interplay among personal history, emotional, and neurological development, brain chemistry, and drugs and behaviors.
Addiction is a preventable, treatable disease, not a moral failing. As with other illnesses, the approaches most likely to work are based on science — not on faith, tradition, contrition, or wishful thinking.
This annual survey helps parents better understand the experiences, attitudes, perceptions, and behaviors of their children in relation to substance use.
Neuroscience of Alcohol: Mechanisms and Treatment
Published: March 2019
Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology
Published: January–February 2019
The Stigma of Addiction: An Essential Guide
Published: January 2019
The Oxford Handbook of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology
Published: December 2018
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