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    Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey

    The Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey is the largest continuous public service campaign in New Jersey’s history. Founded in 1992, the Partnership provides free prevention services to schools, businesses and communities throughout the state of New Jersey. The Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey has been recognized twice by the Office of National Drug Control Policy for its groundbreaking and innovative public health campaigns to address the national opioid epidemic.

    Programs of the Partnership for a Drug-Free New Jersey include:

    • 15-Minute Child Break: a one-hour multimedia program that informs, encourages and empowers parents, grandparents, educators, coaches and other adult caregivers about how to communicate effectively with children about the misuse and abuse of alcohol and other drugs
    • Knock Out Opioid Abuse: In joint collaboration with Horizon BCBSNJ’s philanthropic arm, The Horizon Foundation for New Jersey, the Partnership for A Drug-Free New Jersey and Horizon are embarking on a new two-year Knock Out Opioid Abuse initiative to address the opioid epidemic through community outreach, prescriber education, parent education and a statewide awareness campaign.
    • 3rd Grade Contract for a Healthy Life: students, their caregivers and school representatives pledge together to live a healthy life, free of substance abuse
    • 4th Grade Folder Contest: an artwork contest in which kids unleash their creative ideas of “Fun Things to Do Instead of Drugs.” The winning artwork is reproduced on school folders for fourth graders throughout New Jersey.
    • 5th Grade Parent Alert: a guide packed with crucial facts and resources for parents to help them talk to their kids about the dangers of substance abuse
    • Middle School PSA Challenge: Middle school students create a 30-second PSA with a peer-to-peer prevention message. The winning PSA is filmed, starring the student script-writers.
    • New Jersey Shout Down Drugs®: High school students create music containing powerful prevention messages for their peers. Finalists perform at the Annual Prevention Concert, and winners travel the state as ambassadors of the prevention message.
    • American Medicine Chest Challenge: A community based Public Health Initiative, with law enforcement and community partnerships, designed to raise awareness about the dangers of prescription drug abuse and provide a nationwide day of disposal.
    • Do No Harm: The Do No Harm symposium series provides information to doctors and health systems to help them make better decisions for patients, and to better understand the link between opioid prescription misuse and rising heroin use.

    Angelo Valente

    Partners play an important role in fostering healthy local communities through support and education. Learn more about partnership opportunities.

    Last Updated

    October 2023