Expert Resources for Supporting Loved Ones with Addiction
Discover expert insights and practical guidance from clinicians, researchers, and specialists to help parents, families and professionals support loved ones and community members with substance use disorder and addiction.
Partnership to End Addiction encourages research on the medicinal value of marijuana and the use of any U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved medications derived from marijuana or containing cannabinoids.
The combination of several factors makes adolescence the critical period of vulnerability for beginning to use addictive substances and for developing the disease of addiction.
Muchos padres sienten que no hay mucho que puedan hacer si encuentran a su hijo bebiendo o usando otras drogas. Pero hay maneras de motivarlo a reducir el consumo de sustancias.
Providing some kind of reward to increase the chances that a healthy behavior will be repeated is central to helping change your child's substance use.
There is a spectrum of clinical diagnoses when it comes to problems with substance use. If it is negatively affecting a loved one’s life, learn how to help.
Addiction is a complex disease of the brain and body that involves compulsive use of one or more substances despite serious health and social consequences.
If you have previously asked your child to quit or cut back without the result you’d hoped for, the circumstances surrounding COVID-19 present a good opportunity to try again.
What can parents and other caregivers do to reduce the potential that children – who are feeling frustrated, isolated and bored – might engage in substance use?
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