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    Online Support Community Meetings

    Join our free online support community for parents and caregivers who may have children experimenting with, or dependent on, substances.

    Specially trained parent coaches who have “been there” host weekly online meetings to share guidance on addressing substance use and related issues with teen and adult children. Parents and caregivers will also find support and connection among other participants facing similar issues.

    What to expect

    We talk about real-life issues and offer research-based skills and resources to help you address them. Topics include common concerns such as how to talk with your child so they will listen, encouraging healthy behaviors, establishing boundaries and household rules, and the use of limits and consequences. We also discuss specific issues related to substance use, treatment, recovery and relapse.

    Meeting times

    We currently offer the following weekly meetings via Zoom and you can go to as many as you wish:

    • Monday at 8:00 PM Eastern — This group is for parents/caregivers of both teen and adult children.
    • Tuesday at 8:00 PM Eastern – Most participants in this group are parents/caregivers of older teens and adult children.
    • Wednesday at 8:00 PM EasternMost participants in this group are parents/caregivers of teens and young adults
    • Saturday at 11 AM Eastern – This group is for parents/caregivers of both teen and adult children.

    We currently offer the following monthly meeting:

    • 4th Tuesday of the Month at 1 PM Eastern – Grief Group:  This group is for parents/caregivers who have lost children where substance use has been involved.  For more information and to sign up click here. 

    How to register

    To participate in our online meetings, please sign up here. (Note there is a different registration link for the grief support group noted above.)

    More questions?

    If you have additional questions, please contact us at