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Call 1.855.378.4373 to schedule a call time with a specialist

Help Us Change the Story of Addiction

We’re harnessing the inherent power of storytelling to lift the voices of those impacted by addiction, illustrate barriers, offer solutions and inspire others to take action.

We’re harnessing the inherent power of storytelling to lift the voices of those impacted by addiction, illustrate barriers, offer solutions and inspire others to take action.

  • Show me stories about

Our son overdosed in his doctor’s office and they had no idea what to do

Health care providers receive minimal training to address addiction and are unequipped to identify, treat and manage this common life-threatening disease.

My family wasn’t included in Nic’s treatment

Families aren’t often included in treatment even though research shows that when families are involved, informed and supported, the outcomes for those with addiction are better.