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The Latest News from Our Field

We curate a digest of the latest news in our field for advocates, policymakers, community coalitions and all who work toward shaping policies and practices to effectively prevent substance use and treat addiction.

Researchers studied participants in the national Women, Co-occurring Disorders, and Violence Study to determine if women mandated to substance abuse treatment had better substance use, mental health, and trauma outcomes compared with demographically similar women who entered treatment voluntarily.
Data from the Health and Retirement Study are compared to determine whether the survival benefit associated with moderate alcohol use remains after accounting for nontraditional risk factors such as socioeconomic status (SES) and functional limitations.
Over the last six years cocaine use in Mexico has doubled, according to a recent report issued by the Mexican government.
A recent amendment to New Mexico's medical-marijuana law allows producers of the drug to get licensed as legitimate medical suppliers. But the state's (and the nation's) sole recipient of a marijuana producer's license said she lives in fear of theft or prosecution and doesn't want her identity revealed.
A California Superior Court judge has issued an injunction preventing the city of Los Angeles from shuttering a Playa Vista medical-marijuana dispensary, a decision that effectively brakes the city's efforts to shut down most such clinics.
Currently operating drug courts have a little more time to apply for scholarships that offset some of the costs of attending the National Center for DWI Courts (NCDC) DWI Court Training Programs.
The United States Soccer Foundation's 2010 Program and Field Grants provides funding, equipment, and services for soccer programs in the U.S., and is particularly interested in funding organizations that incorporate a youth-development elements such as anti-violence, drug prevention, and healthy lifestyles into their programs.