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Have you been ’iced’? Smirnoff says don’t blame us for the viral game ... About half of Californians say they support marijuana legalization, but that may not be good news for supporters of the ballot question ... New Jersey medical-marijuana backers say they’ll brook no delay in implementing a new state law ... Relabeling loose cigarette tobacco as pipe tobacco has allowed the industry to avoid $250 million in taxes ...

Cutting out the middleman: A new study says that heroin addicts who don’t respond to methadone can benefit from heroin maintenance ... Highly pure heroin from Mexico is causing more overdoses in the U.S. ... An energy drink called "Four Loko" has 12 percent alcohol ... Some doctors won’t perform elective surgery on smokers, citing liability concerns and risk of complications.

Hazelden has unveiled a new online screening tool for consumers called About My Drinking. Visitors to the website who answer 18 questions can get a personalized assessment of their current alcohol and other drug use and -- if necessary -- a referral to a Hazelden addiction counselor ...

Daniel Okrent’s new book on the history of Prohibition, "Last Call," is chockablock with fascinating anectodes and factoids about American’s dalliance as a dry nation, but also points to some useful parallels to contemporary debates on drug policy.

One of Congress’ big backers of tough drug penalties is out of a job thanks to a classic Capitol Hill sex scandal ... Doctors should be screening all kids for signs of alcohol use, according to the American Academy of Pediatricians ...
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