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Alcohol & Alcoholism

Dartmouth College has announced it will ban hard liquor on campus in an effort to reduce alcohol-related incidents.

Adults with a history of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder who drink or use drugs start at an earlier age on average than those with no history of the disorder, a new study suggests.

Mixing alcohol and energy drinks leads to negative consequences that are a public health concern, according to a new paper. Combining the two beverages makes a person want to drink more and masks the signs of drunkenness, Time reports.

Teenagers who don’t get enough sleep are at higher risk of developing problems with alcohol compared with their peers who don’t drink, a new study suggests.

Almost 42 percent of American adults who drink also use medications that can interact dangerously with alcohol, according to a new study. Among adults 65 and older, the rate rises to almost 78 percent.

A study of young drivers who died in crashes finds that half were under the influence of alcohol, marijuana or both at the time the accident occurred, HealthDay reports.

Employees who work more than 48 hours a week are almost 13 percent more likely to engage in risky drinking, compared with those who work less, a new study suggests.

Raising alcohol taxes may help reduce the binge drinking rate, according to researchers at Boston University. They found a 1 percent increase in alcohol prices due to taxes was associated with a 1.4 percent decrease in binge drinking.

Researchers at the National Institutes of Health are using a replica of a fully stocked bar to test an experimental treatment for alcohol use disorders, ABC News reports.

Teens with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or conduct disorder are at increased risk of starting to smoke or drink, a new study suggests. The more symptoms of these disorders they have, the greater their risk.

Top headlines of the week from Friday, December 19, 2014- Thursday, January 8, 2015.

Six Americans die from alcohol poisoning each day, according to a new report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The death rate from alcohol poisoning is highest among men ages 45 to 54.

Stress associated with retirement, caused by factors such as loneliness and financial pressures, may be associated with an increased risk of substance abuse, a new study suggests.

From the DEA cracking down on a potent form of marijuana to fingernail drug testing, Join Together kept their readers on top of the news making an impact in their community, work and life.

Top headlines of the week from Friday, December 12- Thursday, December 18, 2014.

Many college students participating in Collegiate Recovery Programs for drug and alcohol addictions also report being in recovery from or currently engaging in multiple behavioral addictions, a new survey finds. These addictions include eating disorders, and sex and love addiction.

Among teens who drink, 90 percent have blacked out after drinking at least once by the time they reached age 19, according to a new study of British adolescents. Teens who black out after drinking are more likely to be female.

States that have a greater number of random traffic stops and a higher number of DUI arrests have a lower rate of drunk driving, a new study concludes.

A new survey of teens finds they are using less marijuana, alcohol and cigarettes. The Monitoring the Future study found marijuana use among teens declined from 26 percent last year to 24 percent this year, USA Today reports.

Lawmakers in a growing number of states are considering banning powdered alcohol, a product that has not yet arrived in stores, according to the Associated Press.

A new study finds that when teens host parties where alcohol is available, their parents are often aware of the underage drinking.

Reducing the number of bars, restaurants, liquor stores and other locations where alcohol is sold in a community may help reduce domestic violence, a new study suggests.

One-fifth of parents with children under age 18 have blacked out after drinking too much at a party, according to a new survey. One-third of adults who drink at parties admit to driving after consuming too much alcohol, according to the survey by Caron Treatment Centers.

Brain scans may be able to detect changes in the brain in preteens that predict future alcohol abuse, a new study suggests.

Having even one drink doubles a person’s risk of ending up in the emergency room, according to an international study. A person who consumes three drinks in six hours is about 4.6 times as likely to end up in the ER compared with someone who hasn’t had any drinks.

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