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Alcohol & Alcoholism

Children whose mothers are diagnosed with an alcohol disorder in pregnancy, or within a year after giving birth, are three times more likely to die from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, compared with infants whose mothers do not have an alcohol disorder, a new study finds.

A new study links the number of sex partners young adults have with their subsequent risk of developing alcohol or marijuana dependence disorders. The study found young women who had more than two or three sex partners when they were 18 to 20 years old were nearly 10 times more likely than those with one or no sexual partner to develop a substance dependence problem at age 21.

A new study finds 8 percent of men and 3 percent of women are heavy drinkers, according to government guidelines. On any given day, 18 percent of men and 11 percent of women drink more alcohol than advised by federal dietary guidelines, Reuters reports.

Mapping the location of alcohol outlets, drug activity and violent crimes could help police prevent violence, a new study suggests.

Teens who are old enough to be in 12th grade, but have dropped out of school, have higher substance abuse rates than their peers who are enrolled in school, according to a new government report.

Alcohol consumption results in an estimated 20,000 cancer deaths in the United States, a new study concludes. The majority of alcohol-related deaths in women are from breast cancer, while in men, alcohol is most likely to cause upper airway and esophageal cancer.

Women who are attempting to quit smoking may try to reduce their quitting-related stress by using alcohol, which in turn can lead to greater urges to smoke, a new study finds. This vicious cycle can increase the risk of smoking relapse, according to Science Daily.

The maker of the sweet alcoholic drink Four Loko will put an “alcohol facts panel” on the back of cans containing more than two servings of alcohol, to settle the Federal Trade Commission’s charges of deceptive marketing.

Depressive symptoms in problem drinkers often are the result of heavy alcohol intake, a new study suggests.

People view addiction to food in a less negative light than addiction to alcohol or tobacco, according to a study by researchers at Yale University.

Deaths caused by alcohol drop when minimum alcohol prices increase, a new study finds. Researchers in British Columbia found boosting the price of the cheapest alcohol by 10 percent led to a 32 percent drop in the drinking-related death rate, Reuters reports.

The ability to legally buy alcohol before age 21 is associated with an increased risk of binge drinking later in life, a new study suggests. The study included more than 39,000 people who started drinking in the 1970s, when some states allowed people as young as 18 to purchase alcohol.

About 10 percent of young teens with mental illness frequently use alcohol, cigarettes and marijuana, a new Australian study suggests. This substance abuse pattern becomes more common as teenagers grow older.

Marriages in which one spouse drinks more than the other are more likely to end in divorce than unions in which both spouses drink a similar amount, Norwegian researchers have found.

People who mix diet soda with alcohol get more intoxicated, and more quickly, compared with those who use regular soda in their alcoholic drinks, a small study suggests.

Many doctors don’t ask their teenage patients about their drinking, a new study finds. A survey of 10th graders found that while more than 80 percent had seen a doctor in the past year, only 54 percent of them were asked about drinking, and 40 percent were advised about the dangers of alcohol.

Recovering alcoholics who feel shame about past alcohol abuse may have an increased risk of a relapse, a new study suggests.

Energy drinks can be dangerous for teenagers, according to a new report published in a pediatrics journal. The drinks are particularly dangerous when they are combined with alcohol, CBS News reports.

A new study in rats explains the link between binge drinking and the increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

A national survey of college freshmen finds 33 percent reported drinking beer in 2012, down from 35.4 percent the previous year. The survey found 39.2 percent of college freshmen said they drank wine or liquor last year.

Teenagers’ decision to have a first alcoholic drink may be influenced by their best friends, a new study suggests. Researchers found having friends who drink and who have access to alcohol is the most important factor in predicting when a teen starts drinking.

Young teens appear to be susceptible to the persuasive messages in television alcohol ads, a new study suggests. The ads influence some young teens to drink more and experience drinking-related problems later in adolescence, the researchers found.

The soon-to-be-released update of psychiatry’s diagnostic manual, DSM-5, combines problem drinking and alcoholism into a single condition known as “alcohol use disorder.” A new study suggests these changes may not improve the diagnosis of alcoholism, reports.

This fall, seven of the eight Ivy League universities introduced new alcohol policies in an effort to combat high-risk drinking, the Yale Daily News reports.

High school programs that teach teens to better manage their personality traits can help reduce and postpone problem drinking, a new study suggests.

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