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    Welfare Applicants, Lawmakers Face Drug Tests Under Mo. Bill

    Individuals seeking public assistance or seeking to serve the public would be required to submit to drug tests under a measure approved by the Missouri House of Representatives, the Maneater reported Feb. 12.

    The bill introduced by state Rep. Ellen Brandom would require drug testing of welfare applicants and elected officials; the measure was passed 114-39 in the House.

    “I just find that my constituents have a real concern with subsidizing anyone on drugs with welfare,” Brandom said. “A survey conducted in 2008 of every home in my district shows 91 percent of them believe (welfare) applicants should be tested, and a poll last summer showed 80 percent wanted drug testing.”

    Critics said the bill stereotyped welfare recipients, who are no more likely than other residents to use drugs. “To just single out people that are in a bad place and need assistance to meet daily necessities is just mean spirited public policy,” said Bob Quinn, executive director of the Missouri Association for Social Welfare.

    Each drug test would cost about $55 per applicant.


    February 2010