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    SAMHSA's Project LAUNCH Grants Target Young Children

    Up to $19.5 million in grants will be awarded this year under Project LAUNCH (Linking Actions for Unmet Needs in Children's Health), which promotes physical, emotional, social, cognitive, and behavioral health among children from birth to age 8.

    The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) expects to make six Project LAUNCH grants of up to $650,000 each over a five-year grant period. Grants will support “early childhood service system integration and improved collaboration, policy-making and planning at the state, territorial, tribal and community levels, as well as the expansion of evidence-based practices in prevention and wellness promotion for young children,” according to SAMHSA.

    Government agencies, schools, non-profits, faith-based groups and others may apply for funding. Application deadline is May 17.

    For more details, see the full grant announcement online.


    April 2010