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    Repealing Affordable Care Act Could Slash Coverage for Addiction Treatment: Experts

    Some health experts are warning that repealing the Affordable Care Act (ACA) could slash treatment for addiction and mental health, the Associated Press reports.

    Richard Frank, a health economist at Harvard Medical School, predicts repealing the health law could end coverage for 1.8 million people who have undergone addiction or mental health treatment. He warns if ACA is repealed, it could result in a cut of $5.5 billion in spending on addiction and mental health treatment.

    Many of those who would be affected by the repeal are currently covered by Medicaid. Instead of covering a certain percentage of each state’s Medicaid costs, the Trump Administration has expressed support for giving states a fixed amount of money, known as block grants, and allowing states to design their own Medicaid programs. Some experts say these block grants are likely to come with less money, which could force states to reduce benefits.


    March 2017