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    Recreational Marijuana Approved in California, Massachusetts and Nevada

    Marijuana on Blue

    Recreational marijuana initiatives passed in California, Massachusetts and Nevada on Tuesday night, The Washington Post reports. Voters in Florida, Arkansas and North Dakota approved medical marijuana initiatives.

    In Arizona, voters rejected a marijuana legalization measure, while in Montana, voters rolled back restrictions on an existing medical marijuana law.

    Kevin Sabet, President and CEO of the anti-legalization group Smart Approaches to Marijuana, said in a statement, “We were outspent greatly in both California and Massachusetts, so this loss is disappointing, but not wholly unexpected. Despite having gained considerable ground in the last few weeks, the out-of-state interests determined to make money off of legalization put in too much money to overcome.”

    As the legalization of recreational marijuana passes in more states, it’s becoming tougher for parents to talk with their teens about marijuana use. Download the Partnership’s FREE Marijuana Talk Kit, available in English and Spanish, to help families navigate the ever-changing drug landscape and have productive conversations with their teens.


    November 2016