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    Philip Seymour Hoffman Died From Combination of Drugs: Medical Examiner

    Actor Philip Seymour Hoffman died from taking a combination of drugs, including heroin and cocaine, according to the New York City Medical Examiner. Experts say tens of thousands of overdose deaths annually in the United States are due to a mix of drugs.

    In addition to heroin and cocaine, Hoffman had taken amphetamines and benzodiazepines, according to ABC News. He was found on February 2 with a needle in his arm. The medical examiner ruled his death accidental.

    The addiction treatment medication buprenorphine was found in Hoffman’s apartment, along with 50 bags of heroin and a variety of prescription drugs, according to New York City detectives. ABC News reports authorities also found unused syringes and a charred spoon.

    According to Dr. Len Paulozzi, a medical epidemiologist with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than half of overdose deaths in the United States involve a combination of drugs. At least one-fifth also involve alcohol.


    March 2014