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The Latest News from Our Field

We curate a digest of the latest news in our field for advocates, policymakers, community coalitions and all who work toward shaping policies and practices to effectively prevent substance use and treat addiction.

The recent federal budget deal includes $6 billion in new funding to fight the opioid crisis—an amount addiction treatment experts and some lawmakers say isn’t enough, CNN reports.
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Purdue Pharma, the maker of OxyContin, said it will no longer market the drug to doctors. The announcement comes in response to lawsuits that blame the company for helping to trigger the opioid crisis, CBS News reports.
Connecting people with support services such as food and housing is a key step in curbing the opioid epidemic, Surgeon General Jerome Adams said this week.
There seem to be a growing number of cases of high amounts of fluid in the lungs following administration of the opioid overdose antidote naloxone, experts said at a recent meeting of the New York Society of Addiction Medicine annual meeting.
The Food and Drug Administration is warning that the supplement known as “kratom” is an opioid and has been linked with 44 deaths, The Washington Post reports.
The increasing rate of deaths due to opioids, alcohol and suicides are part of a public health crisis described as “deaths of despair” in a new report published this week.
A new study suggests up to 10 percent of U.S. children may have fetal alcohol spectrum disorders, much more than previously thought.
State and local law enforcement officials came to Capitol Hill last week to protest a Trump Administration proposal to move oversight of a drug prevention program from the Office of National Drug Control Policy to the Justice Department.
Patients with long-term opioid prescriptions and depression who take antidepressants are more likely to stop using opioids, a new study concludes.
More than 150 organizations working to fight the opioid epidemic are opposing the Trump Administration’s proposed cuts to the Office of National Drug Control Policy, The Hill reports.
More than a dozen people who used fentanyl, either alone or in combination with stimulants, have suffered severe memory loss, researchers from West Virginia University report.
The Food and Drug Administration this week asked the makers of the over-the-counter anti-diarrhea drug loperamide (Imodium A-D) to change the way they package their products, in an effort to reduce abuse.
The Trump Administration renewed the order declaring the opioid crisis a public health emergency on January 22, a day before the 90-day mandate was set to expire, ABC News reports.
Philadelphia officials are encouraging organizations to open facilities where staff members provide clean needles and guard against overdoses.
The Trump Administration is planning to cut more than $340 million from the budget of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy, CBS News reports.
Nurse practitioners and physician assistants will now be eligible to prescribe and dispense the opioid addiction treatment buprenorphine from their office, Reuters reports.
Teens who use e-cigarettes are at higher risk of transitioning to smoking conventional cigarettes than their peers who don’t use vaping devices, a new report concludes.
Former Democratic Representative Patrick Kennedy, a member of President Trump’s Opioid Commission, said the Republican-led Congress has turned the group’s work into a “charade” and a “sham,” CNN reports.
The National Governors Association called on President Trump and Congress to provide more funds and coordination to fight the opioid epidemic.
Opioid overdoses are fueling a sharp increase in accidental deaths in the United States, according to a new report by the National Safety Council.
Medicaid is contributing to the nation’s opioid crisis by establishing incentives that make it profitable to abuse and sell opioids, a report by Republicans on the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee concludes.
A new report calls for lowering legal blood alcohol levels to reduce drunk driving deaths.
People who inject drugs in a facility where staff members provide clean needles and guard against overdoses say they have reduced their use of public spaces for drug use, a new study finds.
Walmart will give customers filling opioid prescriptions a packet of powder they can use to safely dispose of leftover medication, Reuters reports.
The percentage of people treated for a drug overdose who need more than one dose of the opioid overdose antidote naloxone is on the rise, a new study suggests.
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