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The Latest News from Our Field

We curate a digest of the latest news in our field for advocates, policymakers, community coalitions and all who work toward shaping policies and practices to effectively prevent substance use and treat addiction.

Brief intervention (BI) can decrease alcohol consumption among some patients with nondependent unhealthy use. But does BI have efficacy for illicit drugs? The World Health Organization published the first randomized trial of drug BI.
The role of individual substances on human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) disease progression has been a complicated puzzle. This study looks at the impact of crack cocaine use among HIV-positive women in the Women's Interagency Cohort Study between 1996 and 2004, the era of highly active antiretroviral therapy.
Patients in treatment for substance use disorders have a high prevalence of smoking. Treating nicotine dependence in substance abuse treatment (SAT) settings, however, is uncommon. Researchers conducted a randomized trial to evaluate the effectiveness of a smoking cessation intervention in SAT programs.
Studies of persons with hypertension have demonstrated a reduction in blood pressure if heavy alcohol consumption is reduced or eliminated, but few studies have focused on persons who met criteria for alcohol dependence. This large, multi-center study of alcohol dependence treatment analyzed data over a 16-week treatment period.
New York's Medicaid program has long hindered comprehensive treatment for people with co-occurring addiction and mental-health problems, but now the state is training more counselors to provide services to dually diagnosed patients.
Needle-exchange programs have been credited with saving many lives by preventing the spread of HIV/AIDS among injection-drug users, but some counselors at the harm-reduction programs have been fatally tempted by easy availability of heroin.
The state of New Mexico will issue ID cards to medical-marijuana users, allow qualified patients to grow their own marijuana, and permit nonprofit groups to produce and distribute the drug to medical users under final regulations released last week.
A bill to reauthorize a popular children's health insurance program is expected to be ready for President-elect Obama's signature soon after the inauguration.
The U.S. government and experts from academia are looking for new ways to treat the growing number of American troops with addiction problems and post-traumatic stress disorders.
New York Gov. David Paterson harshly criticized his state's Rockefeller-era drug laws and called for reforming sentences for drug possession.
The U.S. government is prepared to increase Border Patrol and possibly military law enforcement as part of the Department of Homeland Security's (DHS) plan to deal with drug-related violence spilling across the border with Mexico.
Mexico's bloody war with drug traffickers was at the top of the agenda as President-elect Barack Obama met with Mexican President Felipe Calderon on Monday.