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The Latest News from Our Field

We curate a digest of the latest news in our field for advocates, policymakers, community coalitions and all who work toward shaping policies and practices to effectively prevent substance use and treat addiction.

Stanford University is seeking an exemption from a local county's social-host law, saying it should not be held legally responsible for underage drinking by students living in university housing.
A day after a Colorado resident appeared on local TV to talk about his medical-marijuana operation, his home was raided by federal Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) agents.
A large Dutch study finds that smoking can vastly increase the risk of two types of stomach cancer and two forms of esophageal cancer, while drinking alcohol can increase the risk of one type of the latter disease.
Participation in a referral program for smoking and obesity prevention program dropped off 97 percent when patients were asked to pay for their own care.
Researchers who reviewed 511 previously published studies on smoking cessation found that two-thirds to three-quarters of individuals who quit did so aided only by their own willpower, not nicotine-replacement therapy or other drugs.
More soldiers are experiencing problems with alcohol and the Army needs to double its staff of addiction counselors to meet the demand, according to Army vice chief of staff Gen. Peter Chiarelli.
A bill that would require insurers to cover addiction and mental health services on par with other health conditions has been approved by the Wisconsin Senate.
While Super Bowl alcohol ads were widely remembered, they did not place in the top three favorites among the 30,000 youth who participated in the DrugFree Action Alliance Super Bowl Survey.
The judge who presided over a trial in which a jury awarded $300 million to a sick smoker who sued tobacco company Philip Morris said he would reduce the judgment amount.