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The Latest News from Our Field

We curate a digest of the latest news in our field for advocates, policymakers, community coalitions and all who work toward shaping policies and practices to effectively prevent substance use and treat addiction.

Some states may say that marijuana is medicine, but the VA is having none of that: doctors affiliated with the federal veteran’s health program have been barred from recommending medical marijuana to patients ... Meeting with the enemy: the head of the FDA’s new tobacco-regulation agency spoke this week at a conference of Big Tobacco execs ...

Like many other studies, new research from France concludes that moderate alcohol drinkers have a lower risk of heart disease than abstainers. However, researchers said that moderate drinkers also tend to have a higher social status, get more exercise, had better levels of "good" cholesterol, are less depressed and are generally healthier -- factors that may have more to do with their coronary health than how much they drink.
Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) doctors are forbidden from recommending medical marijuana for patients even in states that allow medical use of the drug.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) won't be shy about penalizing tobacco companies for violating new federal regulations on the industry, but the head of FDA's Center for Tobacco Products also said that the agency would be open to new ideas from tobacco firms.

The Rhode Island Closing the Addiction Treatment Gap initiative released its report this morning. They asked me to speak at the event. That got me thinking. Why do we have this enormous gap? Why is such a complicated but treatable brain/behavioral disease treated mostly in a separate and unequal system where care is provided almost entirely without physicians by individuals with relatively modest formal training?

Fifteen states enacted increases in cigarette excise taxes in 2009, but three states haven’t raised their cigarette taxes in more than a decade, according to the Center for Substance Abuse Research at the University of Maryland at College Park.

Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) programs are hot right now -- there’s an impressive research base showing they work to cut costs and can nip addiction in the bud. SBIRT also stars in the Obama administration’s new National Drug Control Strategy.

But what about the human side of this somewhat nebulous protocol?

Higher prices and restrictions on advertising will help prevent excessive drinking, World Health Organization says in new policy resolution (too bad it’s non-binding) ? How do you reconcile ’drug-free schools’ with medical-marijuana laws? That’s what school districts in Colorado are trying to figure out ?

Addiction and mental-health parity may be the law of the land, but it doesn't seem to be preventing insurers from limiting access to such services in states like Massachusetts.

The Obama administration’s 2011 budget calls for flat funding of the $1.79-billion Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment (SAPT) block grant, but advocates are appealing to Congress to boost funding for the formula grant to states by $210 million.

’Hey, Friend -- have you tried the new vodka in the skull bottle?’: New report says the alcohol industry is engaged in ’stealth’ marketing to youth on social-networking sites online ... Oh, about that vodka: Yes, there really is a brand of vodka being sold in a bottle shaped like a crystal skull. It just got banned in Ontario ...