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The North Carolina Sheriff’s Association wants access to information contained in a State prescription database about any person in the state who has a prescription for a narcotic pain medicine. The Association claims if they have this information it will be easier for them to make drug arrests. This is an outrageous and dangerous threat to good medical care and addiction treatment.
Despite the fact that local, state, and federal lawmakers are desperate to plug holes in their budgets, advocates of alcohol taxes have struggled to gain traction. They should take heart from a Fresh Story blog post, the first in a series, published online on Aug. 31. It?s an excellent primer on the history of federal alcohol taxes and why it makes sense to raise them now.
Since before our online operations were even on the Internet, Bob Curley has been the news editor and principal writer behind Join Together’s daily coverage of alcohol, tobacco and drug issues. After seventeen years and over 30,000 stories, Bob is hanging up his hat at Join Together to focus on other work in the health sector and elsewhere.
California should outlaw the sale of alcohol through self-checkout machines by passing a new bill, Marin Institute said in an action alert sent out Sept. 7. Marin Institute said the machines make it too easy for minors to get alcohol.
Tobacco signs are more common in less affluent communities -- and Latino and African-American populations are particularly affected -- the Boston Globe reported August 30.
But all that could change, now that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) can regulate tobacco companies.