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The Latest News from Our Field

We curate a digest of the latest news in our field for advocates, policymakers, community coalitions and all who work toward shaping policies and practices to effectively prevent substance use and treat addiction.

The Navy has signed a five-year contract with Hazelden to provide online recovery support services for sailors.
Michigan has outlawed synthetic marijuana, also known as "spice" and "K2."
According to two comprehensive national surveys, more American men and women reported drinking in 2002 than had a decade before.
Saying the measures could help reduce adolescent substance abuse, the American Academy of Pediatrics has called for an end to all tobacco ads, limits on alcohol and prescription drug ads, and for the entertainment industry to stop glamorizing smoking and drinking
Colorado will soon be the first state to monitor medical marijuana purchases in an effort to curb abuse and black-market reselling.
The original manuscript of the Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Big Book is being published for the first time, revealing edits that changed its references to religion.
Proposals by distributors and big box retailers in Washington and Virginia to eliminate state regulation of distilled spirits would be costly to the states and dangerous to the public’s health and safety.
A new Las Vegas court for young adults 18 to 24 who have serious drug problems gives them a chance to turn their lives around.
U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia has intervened in a $270 million award by a Louisiana court against tobacco companies and suggested the high court will likely reverse the decision.

The Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) has redesigned its home page to correspond to its eights strategic initiatives and has launched an easy-to-use online publications store.

Doubling taxes on alcohol products could lead to substantial reductions in alcohol-related deaths, STD rates, and crime, according to a new study.
A new study found images of smoking induced stronger cravings among people who hadn’t smoked in five weeks than in those who had quit for one week.
Tobacco companies appear to be exploiting a loophole to avoid an excise tax on little cigars.
Massachusetts residents are invited to an Alcohol and Other Drug Leadership Institute on Oct. 15 to develop leaders for alcohol and other drug-related issues. Guest speakers include former Governor Michael Dukakis and David Rosenbloom, director of Join Together.
Supervising the distribution of doses of methadone to recovering heroin abusers cut the rate of overdose deaths in Scotland and England by a factor of four.
A federal judge has ruled that a Colorado man charged for growing marijuana cannot use Department of Justice (DOJ) memos or state medical marijuana laws in his defense.
If implemented properly, federal health care reform legislation could help remove financial barriers to addiction treatment for millions of Americans, according to an analysis by the Closing the Addiction Treatment Gap (CATG) initiative.
Canadian researchers have discovered how the rat brain triggers and suppresses impulsive behavior, which could lead to new methods for diagnosing and treating addiction in humans.

Recovery Month 2010 may be drawing to a close, but there are great resources for celebrating and promoting recovery from substance abuse all year round.

A number of anti-drug organizations delivered words of warning this month upon the federal government's release of data from the 2009 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) showing some increases in young people's use of drugs such as marijuana and prescription medications for nonmedical purposes.
Pregnant women who use a form of smokeless tobacco known as 'snus' may increase their risk of stillbirths, according to a new Swedish study.
San Francisco’s Board of Supervisors tentatively approved a measure to expand a ban on tobacco sales in pharmacies to include grocery stores and big box stores that have pharmacies.

You have to admire the guts of the Australian government, which has passed legislation requiring that cigarettes be sold in uniform brown wrappers beginning in 2012. Colorful branding and design elements will be eliminated in favor of graphic health warnings; cigarette brand names will appear in black type.

But according to Jim Gogek on his blog, tobacco companies are fighting the Australian government?s plan -- and they are spending millions of dollars on a public relations campaign to help them do it.

Emergency doctors from Britain's College of Emergency Medicine have called for wide-ranging policy changes designed to limit alcohol-related injuries.
Restrictions on pub closing times in Newcastle, New South Wales, reduced assault rates in the city by 37 percent, a recent Australian study found.