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The Latest News from Our Field

We curate a digest of the latest news in our field for advocates, policymakers, community coalitions and all who work toward shaping policies and practices to effectively prevent substance use and treat addiction.

pregnant woman smokingThe American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) has issued a call for all pregnant women to be screened for smoking, from the first office visit to term.

California officials and a distributor of electronic cigarettes have reached a consent agreement under which sales of the increasingly popular devices will be subject to several restrictions, including a ban on flavored cartridges that many say are meant to attract young people, and an outright ban on under-18 sales.

Four LokoAmid the recent buzz about Four Loko tragedies, the efforts of Pennsylvania, Michigan (and now Oklahoma) regulators have taken center stage. It turns out another state, Utah, had already banned alcoholic energy drinks -- by not permitting distribution of the products in the first place.

Oklahoma -- "the OK State" -- has placed a moratorium on deliveries of Four Loko and other alcoholic energy drinks.
Santa Clara County supervisors on Nov. 9 are expected to consider final approval of a law that would help make its tobacco control measures among the nation’s toughest by banning smoking in apartment and condominium units.
Heavy smoking in midlife increases an individual’s risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease by more than 157 percent, according to a new study sponsored by Kaiser Permanente.
A resident's risk of binge drinking and alcohol-related harms increases with each alcohol-selling outlet located within convenient walking distance of home, a New Zealand study finds.
Supporters of a Massachusetts ballot initiative to repeal the state's sales tax on alcohol outspent opponents by more than 10 to 1, leading to an advertising blitz that helped win repeal.

Four LokoThe onslaught of national attention to Alcohol Energy Drinks (AEDs), dubbed "blackout in a can" by many, continues to pick up steam. Here’s a quick overview of what’s going on, with links to some of the most interesting news coverage and advocacy efforts this week.

A number of colleges across the country are urging students to avoid what they consider a dangerous combination of alcohol and caffeine in the increasingly popular alcoholic energy drink Four Loko, with some schools banning the drink’s consumption altogether.
Significant decreases in both the total number of smokers and the incidence of smoking-related deaths in New York City have occurred during the period since an aggressive anti-smoking campaign has been in effect.

The Michigan Liquor Control Commission (LCC) has banned the sale of alcoholic energy drinks, becoming the second state in the nation to do so.

Good deeds and good work weren’t enough to keep the Historic Triangle Substance Abuse Coalition’s (HTSAC) doors open. The Virginia-based coalition ran out of grant funds last week and had to shut down.

Citing numerous cases of alcohol poisoning in states across the country, the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board has formally asked the state’s 17,000 licensed beer distributors to stop selling high-alcohol energy drinks that are popular among college students.
Smokers ages 18 to 30 could be convinced to give up cigarettes if branding information on cigarette packaging got smaller and graphic health warnings got larger, according to a new study from researchers in New Zealand.

Ballot measure resultsElection night is over, and most of the results are in: it’s a mixed bag for the alcohol and other drug initiatives on state ballots. California’s efforts to legalize marijuana -- a.k.a. Proposition 19 -- fell short with 56 percent of voters rejecting the measure. Initiatives related to medical marijuana in South Dakota and Oregon also failed, while Arizona narrowly approved a medical-marijuana measure.

Massachusetts voted to repealed a 6.25 percent alcohol tax, and Washington chose to block at least one measure seeking to privatize liquor distribution. Meanwhile, California approved Prop. 26, possibly negating efforts to require the alcohol industry, among others, to pay for the harm caused by their products.

The much-watched California ballot initiative that would have legalized recreational use of marijuana and allowed local governments to regulate sales of the drug went down to defeat on Election Day, punctuating a day that also saw rejection of marijuana-related ballot items in a handful of other states.

Turns out that researchers looking to help tobacco farmers have found a new use for tobacco and nicotine -- as a pesticide.

As of Oct. 31, first-time drunk-driving offenders in Michigan who register blood alcohol levels of at least 0.17 percent will face penalties similar to what second-time offenders have traditionally received in the state.

Josh Hamilton The S.F. Giants have won the World Series, but the Texas Rangers have won our respect.

A group of British scientific experts has concluded that when combining its effects on the individual and on society, alcohol far outpaces other substances as the most harmful drug.
The state of New York plans to give some state prisoners the opiate-treatment drug Suboxone to help them stay off heroin upon release.
Smoking-related health costs account for 11 percent of all Medicaid costs, but states offer only patchy support for tobacco cessation therapies.
A small study found adolescents who abused marijuana and alcohol scored lower on a battery of intellectual aptitude tests than their drug-free peers.
A recent study found people with anxiety disorders are not only more likely to smoke, but they also find it more difficult to quit.