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The Latest News from Our Field

We curate a digest of the latest news in our field for advocates, policymakers, community coalitions and all who work toward shaping policies and practices to effectively prevent substance use and treat addiction.

Low to moderate use of marijuana is less harmful to the lungs than tobacco exposure, according to a new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

Pharmacists on Long Island, New York, and elsewhere throughout the country, are rattled by several recent drug robberies by criminals wielding guns that turned deadly.

A new study finds that investing in comprehensive tobacco cessation programs can result in substantial savings for Medicaid programs. These programs, by cutting smoking rates, lead to reduced hospital admissions for heart-related problems.

With more than two thirds of people relapsing after starting treatment for substance use disorders, researchers are looking for ways to predict a person’s susceptibility to return to drug or alcohol use. Researchers at the Yale Stress Center in New Haven, CT, are developing biological markers of recovery to predict who will relapse, and when.

Smokers who use nicotine replacement therapy such as patches or gum to quit are just as likely to start smoking again as those who quit "cold turkey," according to a new study.

The drug maker Novartis is recalling 1,645 lots of certain over-the-counter medication, including Excedrin and Gas-X, because the products could potentially contain stray capsules or caplets from other products. Prescription opioids including Opana, Percocet, and an extended-release version of morphine tablets were made at the same plant.

People with mild cognitive impairment who wear a nicotine patch for six months show improvements in attention, memory and mental processing, according to a new study.

Treatment slots for methamphetamine addiction in Oklahoma are in short supply, according to Terri White, the state’s Mental Health and Substance Abuse Commissioner.

Legislation that would ban the sale of “bath salts” and “Spice,” which was approved by the U.S. House in December, has stalled in the Senate.

New York Senator Charles Schumer is warning the Food and Drug Administration against approving new “super painkillers.” Four of these new drugs, which are currently being tested by pharmaceutical companies, contain a more powerful version of hydrocodone, one of the country’s most abused painkillers, the Associated Press reports.

An estimated 10 percent of smokers don’t tell their doctor they are lighting up, a new survey reveals.

Teens are likely being exposed to a lot of alcohol advertising online, says the Director of the Center on Alcohol Marketing and Youth at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. David Jernigan says alcohol companies’ voluntary limits on print, television and radio ads are often ignored on social media websites.

Advances in the addiction and treatment field have heightened concerns that the practice of treating addiction will be limited by education level, particularly to master’s degrees. In a movement to further legitimize our profession, we risk leaving many dedicated professionals behind, says Phillis A. Gardner, PhD of IC&RC.

An estimated 200 million people worldwide use illegal drugs, according to a new study. The health consequences of this use are wide-ranging.

A growing number of employers are not hiring smokers, USA Today reports. Hospitals are in the forefront of this trend, which aims to promote employees’ health and reduce insurance premiums.

Connecticut has become the 15th state to require ignition interlock devices for people convicted of drunk driving. The devices are required even for first-time offenders, according to MSNBC.

Middle- and high-school students are invited to participate in an informal national survey to help measure the impact of alcohol advertising that runs during the Super Bowl.

Hookahs, which many people perceive as a less dangerous way of using tobacco than smoking cigarettes, can cause carbon monoxide poisoning, health experts say.

Increasing the minimum price of alcohol may reduce drinking, a new Canadian study suggests.

Researchers at Cornell University are attempting to create a less harmful cigarette by using natural antioxidant extracts in cigarette filters.

The U.S. Supreme Court could decide this month whether to take up a case that would decide whether police officers can obtain a search warrant for illegal drugs based on a drug-sniffing dog that picks up a scent outside of a house.

A prenatal intervention program, for stopping substance use in pregnancy, could save almost $2 billion annually if it were implemented nationwide, a new study suggests.

Manufacturers of the synthetic version of marijuana known as “spice” are changing the recipe just enough to skirt state laws banning the substance, The Washington Post reports.

Programs that target multiple areas of young people’s lives, including family, peers, community and school, may help prevent drug use and risky sexual behavior, according to a new study.

The smoking cessation medication Chantix is being tested as a possible treatment for addiction to alcohol, cocaine and methamphetamine.