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The Latest News from Our Field

We curate a digest of the latest news in our field for advocates, policymakers, community coalitions and all who work toward shaping policies and practices to effectively prevent substance use and treat addiction.

Synthetic drug packages featuring Scooby Doo are attracting youth in the Baltimore area, warns a local minister. He is trying to get these “Scooby Snax” out of the hands of the city’s young people.

Nurses are key partners in implementing Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral for Treatment (SBIRT) for alcohol use disorders, but they face challenges in putting the program into practice, a new project suggests.

Methamphetamine makers are importing raw powdered meth from Mexico, and refining it at “conversion labs” into the crystal form of the drug, The Wall Street Journal reports. In the past, the drug was produced in small U.S. labs, or shipped in its finished form from Mexico.

A new study suggests smokers may get less sleep, and have more impaired sleep, compared with non-smokers.

The American Civil Liberties Union of Florida filed court documents this week in support of its lawsuit over the state’s mandatory drug testing system for welfare applicants. The documents suggest the system is flawed, according to The Palm Beach Post.

Minnesota unveiled a statewide plan this week to tackle drug abuse, in response to the rising abuse of prescription opioids, and the increasing purity of heroin on the streets.

The federal government has launched two pilot programs designed to make prescription drug monitoring programs easier for doctors to use, American Medical News reports.

The Drug Enforcement Administration has revoked the licenses to dispense controlled substances for two CVS pharmacies in Florida, after accusing them of dispensing excessive amounts of oxycodone.

Drugs for anxiety, depression and insomnia could impair driving ability, and may increase the risk of having a car accident, a new study suggests.

A study on humans, baboons and rats suggests an experimental drug that blocks some receptors in the brain may reduce cravings for nicotine. The findings could lead to new smoking cessation medications, the researchers say.

A growing number of states are instituting “social host” laws, which are designed to cut down on underage drinking, The Wall Street Journal reports.

Tens of thousands of people are expected to participate in “Rally for Recovery!” on Saturday, September 15, as part of Recovery Month. Events in the United States and the United Kingdom will include rallies, marches, runs and walks.

A new study finds that young men who use marijuana have an increased risk of testicular cancer, according to ABC News.

The shape of your glass may influence how much alcohol you consume, a new study suggests. Researchers in England found a curved glass interferes with a person’s ability to judge their alcohol intake.

As the evidence mounts of the negative effects of medical marijuana laws in various states, it’s even more important for parents to recognize that marijuana needs to be on their parenting radar screen, say researchers from the Treatment Research Institute.

An estimated 3 million fewer people smoked last year compared with 2009, when a 22 percent federal cigarette tax increase went into effect, USA Today reports.

A number of state universities have enacted bans on smoking this year, according to USA Today. These include the University of Oklahoma, the University of Oregon and Montana State University.

People who have three or more alcoholic drinks a day may have a higher risk of stroke at a much younger age, compared with those who don’t drink heavily, a new study suggests.

The federal government is introducing a national campaign to prevent suicide, CNN reports. The Surgeon General notes that individuals with mental and/or substance use disorders are at increased risk for suicidal behaviors.

Recovering alcoholics who help others in Alcoholics Anonymous have better outcomes themselves, a new study concludes.

Nine former administrators of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration have written a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder, urging him to oppose three state measures on the ballot this November that would legalize recreational marijuana.

A new program, funded by an Affordable Care Act grant, offers some California smokers enrolled in Medicaid $20 gift cards if they participate in smoking-cessation telephone counseling.

Police in Louisville, Kentucky say they are seeing a rise in the use of heroin, as prescription painkillers become more difficult to obtain. People who formerly were addicted to painkillers are now turning to heroin, which is cheaper, easier to get, and very potent.

With Election Day just around the corner, voters in multiple locations will again be confronted with cannabis-related questions. Stuart Gitlow, MD, MPH, Acting President of the American Society of Addiction Medicine, says “medical marijuana” has simply been the camel’s nose under the tent, with the true goal of legalization covered up with a supposedly scientific approach.

A new study shows 57 percent of fatal car crashes involve a driver who tested positive for alcohol or drugs. Alcohol was the most common substance detected, followed by marijuana and stimulants, Reuters reports.