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    Online Survey Will Help UN Prepare for Special Session on Drugs

    As part of preparation for the United Nations General Assembly’s Special Session (UNGASS) on drugs in April 2016, organizations working on drug-related issues are being asked to participate in a short online survey.

    The Special Session, to be held April 19-21, 2016, is a significant opportunity to hold a global, in-depth discussion on drugs.

    The survey covers topics including key areas of expertise, best practices and key concerns relating to drug policy and programming. The responses will be compiled with those from other organizations in the North American region and presented to delegations from countries around the world in preparation for UNGASS.

    The survey is open to all organizations (formal or informal) that are based in North America and are working on drug and drug-related issues. The survey will take between 8-15 minutes. All responses are due by midnight, Friday, November 20.