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    Mo. Lawmaker Seeks Ban on ’Whizzinator,’ Similar Products

    Products and devices designed to fool drug tests could be banned in Missouri, the Associated Press reported Dec. 5.

    State Rep. Jeff Roorda has introduced a bill that would make it a felony to possess chemical kits, devices like the Whizzinator (an artificial penis that can be filled with ’clean’ urine), and other products intended to fool blood, urine, saliva, hair, or fingernail testing for the presence of alcohol or other drugs.

    The bill would make sales of such products a misdemeanor.

    A Missouri court recently upheld forgery charges against a man who used a Whizzinator to pass a drug test. “A false urine sample qualifies as an inauthentic item because it purports to have a genuineness, ownership, or authorship that it does not possess,” wrote Judge Karen King Mitchell.

    Arkansas law prohibits sales of fake and real human urine; the makers of the original Whizzinator also have been successfully prosecuted in federal court for foiling drug tests and selling drug paraphernalia, although similar products are still on the market. 


    December 2009