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    Hospitals Missing Opportunities to Help Opioid Overdose Survivors

    Relapse happens for a variety of reasons, but one of the major ones is a loved one’s perception of having gained more control and a desire to test it out. Their thinking may be something along the lines of “I know I struggled with heroin [or another drug] in the past, but this time I know I can control my use and stop before the situation gets out of hand.”

    Risks for Relapse, Overdose and What You Can Do

    Relapse happens for a variety of reasons, but one of the major ones is a loved one’s perception of having gained more control and a desire to test it out. Their thinking may be something along the lines of “I know I struggled with heroin [or another drug] in the past, but this time I know I can control my use and stop before the situation gets out of hand.”

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    September 2017