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    Head of Addiction Treatment Providers’ Group Fired

    Ronald J. Hunsicker, the longtime president and CEO of the National Association of Addiction Treatment Providers (NAATP), has been fired by the group’s board of directors, Addiction Professional reported May 13.

    The board named Dennis Gilhousen, former CEO of the Valley Hope Association, as interim director of the organization. The board voted to terminate Hunsicker on May 6; his suspension had been announced on March 31.

    In a letter sent to the NAATP membership, board chair Cathy Palm was quoted as saying, “this change in leadership was made at the conclusion of an investigation initiated by the NAATP Board, as a result of findings of an independent accounting firm and further discussion with the office of the Attorney General of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.”

    Further details were not made public, and the magazine reported that Palm has declined to comment on Hunsicker’s firing.


    May 2010