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    Education Department to Fund Model College Campus Programs

    Institutions of higher education (e.g. colleges and universities) may apply for funding to support and disseminate their alcohol and other drug prevention programs that could be considered models for other schools.

    The U.S. Department of Education will award six Models of Exemplary, Effective, and Promising Alcohol or Other Drug Abuse Prevention Programs on College Campuses grants; a total of $825,000 is available.

    “The goals of this program are to identify and disseminate information about exemplary and effective alcohol or other drug abuse prevention programs implemented on college campuses,” according to the grant announcement. “Through this grant competition, the U.S. Department of Education also will recognize colleges and universities whose programs, while not yet exemplary or effective, show evidence that they are promising.”

    Application deadline is March 31, 2010. For more information, see the full grant announcement online.


    February 2010