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    Alcohol Use Disorders: Treatment, Services Research, and Recovery

    The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) will award an array of research grants to study alcoholism treatment and recovery from multple angles.

    The Alcohol Use Disorders: Treatment, Services Research, and Recovery grants will “support research on behavioral and pharmacological treatment for alcohol use disorders; organizational, financial, and management factors that facilitate or inhibit the delivery of services for alcohol use disorders; and phenomenon of recovery from alcohol use disorders,” according to NIAAA.

    Grants will be made under the NIH Research Project Grant (R01) mechanism, the Small Research Grant (R03) mechanism, and the NIH Explorartory/Developmental (R21) grant mechanism.

    Government, nonprofits, for-profit firms, schools, and others may apply. Application deadline is May 7, 2010.


    March 2010