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    Prevention Practices in Schools Grants

    The application deadline is fast approaching for the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's (SAMHSA) Implementing Evidence-Based Prevention Practices in Schools grants.

    The Prevention Practices in Schools Grants program is administered by the Center for Mental Health Services and is intended to “prevent aggressive and disruptive behavior among young children in the short term and prevent antisocial behavior and the use of illicit drugs in the longer term.”

    Applicants will be required to implement the Good Behavior Game, which has shown positive results in both addiction and mental-health prevention and “integrates the findings of prevention science and education research and helps teachers manage their classrooms effectively as it balances discipline and academic instruction.”

    Local educational agencies in economically disadvantaged communities may apply for funding. up to 20 awards of up to $100,000 will be awarded. Total program funding is about $2 million.

    Application deadline is May 20. For more details, see the program RFA online (PDF).


    May 2010