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    McLellan Resigning as ONDCP Deputy Director

    Respected addiction researcher Tom McLellan has announced that he will resign as deputy director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) this summer.

    McLellan told Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Weekly in an interview that he was not unhappy with ONDCP’s mission, its personnel, or the forthcoming National Drug Control Strategy. “There’s no deep dark secret here — I’m just ill-suited to government work,” he said.

    ONDCP issued a statement on April 16 confirming McLellan’s plans to resign. “Tom has been a leader in helping the Obama administration fashion a comprehensive and balanced approach to drug policy that puts new emphasis on prevention, treatment, and recovery while acknowledging the important role of law enforcement,” said ONDCP Director Gil Kerlikowske. “I will miss having Tom at my right hand, but we will continue to benefit from his wise counsel and knowledge.”

    McLellan said he would remain at ONDCP over the next several months to help implement the new drug strategy. “With the passage of health care reform and the crafting of the new drug control Strategy that will be released soon, I believe we have laid the foundation to make real progress in reducing drug use and its consequences,” he said.

    “Tom has brought science, passion and common sense to the Office of National Drug Control Policy,” said David Rosenbloom, Director of Join Together. “The groundwork he laid to move policy toward effective treatment will have lasting impact and help people with addiction find recovery for many years to come. All Americans should be grateful for his service.”

    Editor’s note: The description of this article in the April 19 editions of our JT Direct email newsletters erroneously stated that McLellan intended to resign in May. The above timeline of “this summer” is correct.