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    Alcohol Policy 15: Policies for Reducing Problems Associated With Alcohol Availability

    The 15th in a series of conferences on the avoidance of alcohol-related problems using public policy strategies

    Sunday – Tuesday, December 5-7, 2010

    Washington Marriott Wardman Park
    Washington, DC

    Why now?
    The US federal administration has signaled a renewed interest in science and public health. Meanwhile, states and localities are facing increased demand for public services in the face of declining revenues. Evidence-based alcohol policy can reduce alcohol problems and resultant social costs, simultaneously generating revenue (alcohol excise taxes and other user fees) to promote public health and safety.

    Who should attend?
    We welcome an anticipated attendance of up to 300 participants, including community-based practitioners, public officials, and researchers from across North America and beyond.

    Conference goals and objectives
    This 15th conference in the Alcohol Policy series will explore, develop, and advance public policy approaches to the prevention of alcohol problems in order to promote evidence-based strategies and to bring focus to the need for alcohol policy reform at all levels – local, regional, national, and international. Specific objectives are to:

    1. Strengthen the understanding of sound, evidence-based public policy in preventing and reducing alcohol-related problems.
    2. Illuminate policy-making processes at local, state, regional and national, and international levels.
    3. Influence international, national, regional, state and local agendas to consider rational alcohol policy, with an emphasis on offsetting the public costs of alcohol use.
    4. Expand the coalition of individuals, organizations and agencies committed to public policy approaches to the prevention of alcohol problems.
    5. Promote public discussion on specific alcohol policy issues, including sales, service, products, marketing, and other conditions of availability.

    See the scientific and policy advisors. (Designated a thematic meeting by the Kettil Bruun Society.)

    The alcohol policy conference series
    This conference series has aided the development of a number of national and international initiatives, including national prevention policies (increase in minimum legal drinking age to 21; health warnings on alcoholic beverage containers; promotion of recommendations from a Surgeon General’s workshop on impaired driving; articulation of Healthy People goals; decrease in blood alcohol limit for determination of driving while impaired; excise tax increase) and local actions (enforcement of laws pertaining to underage alcohol sales and possession; responsible sales and service practices; controls on alcohol availability at sports stadiums and during public events; and encouragement of faith-based initiatives).

    From the outset in 1981, the Alcohol Policy conference has been a forum for researchers, community practitioners, and public officials to meet and exchange findings, explore evidence-based solutions, and consider adoption of policies aimed at minimizing risks associated with alcohol use. When held in conjunction with state and regional sponsors, e.g., South Carolina (1981, 1984, 1987, and 1994), California (1985, 2008), New York (1986), Michigan (1988), and Oregon (1990), AP conferences have served to spark collaborative prevention campaigns.

    More information >>


    February 2010