Personal Stories

Get advice and perspective from families who have also been impacted by substance use or addiction.

I’ve learned from my mistakes and the consequences of my actions, and my kids know my recovery story.
That’s the thing about being in recovery. Our stories aren’t just similar. Sometimes they can be exactly the same. Every meeting, there’s a beautiful, messy and powerful community of shared stories. Stories that I hope will help someone else.
Partners for Hope Marathon team member Jason Brown shares his recovery journey, which has included lots of running. Writes Jason, "Today, for Dominick, I see it as my responsibility to keep him away from the path that I took those years ago, and with this responsibility comes the need for honesty and communication."
Partners for Hope Marathon Team member McCord Henry write, "Running is my time to process. It’s my time to think and get my aggression out on the pavement. It confirms that I am free from addiction and able to put good out into the world."
I am but one of tens of millions of incredible recovery stories. Let’s find yours.
The typical college environment is not conducive to a life in recovery — until Timothy discovered his school’s collegiate recovery program.
Just because someone you love is struggling does not mean you did something wrong or you didn’t love them enough.
In my family, addiction was treated with the same love and affection as if I had suffered from any other potentially fatal illness.
Here are a few things I’d like parents to know so they can best help their child – and themselves – through treatment and recovery.
I am grateful for the responsibilities that life presents and, thanks to recovery, I am prepared to face them.
Dear Dad, I am grateful for all that you have done during my addiction and continue to do for me. I would not be alive and well today if it weren’t for you.