To Help Newborns Dependent On Opioids, Hospitals Rethink Mom’s Role (NPR)

Blog: Seeking Painkillers in the Emergency Room (The New York Times)

There was no wave of compassion when addicts were hooked on crack (PBS News Hour)

Why Making the Music Festival Drug Scene Safer Is So Hard (Cosmopolitan)

Legalize All Drugs? The ‘Risks Are Tremendous’ Without Defining The Problem (NPR)

Pregnant And Addicted: The Tough Road To Family Health (NPR)

Video: Push to Equip Inmates With Overdose Antidote (USA Today)

The color of heroin addiction — why war then, treatment now? (The Washington Post)

The most terrifying part of my drug addiction? That my law firm would find out. (The Washington Post)

Blog: Getting Help from Addiction When You’re a Divorcing Dad or Mom (The Huffington Post)