Join Together at the Partnership for Drug-Free Kids- Most-Read Articles of January 2015

1)      New Device, “E-Joint,” Brings Together Marijuana and E-Cigarette
2)      E-Cigarette Vapor Can Contain High Concentrations of Formaldehyde: Study
3)      DEA Bans Three New Strains of Synthetic Marijuana
4)      Drug Overdose Deaths May Peak in 2017: Study
5)      Federal Judge to Rule on Whether Marijuana is Schedule I Drug
6)      Heroin Overdose Deaths Rose 39 Percent in 2013: Report
7)      “Synthetic Marijuana” – Nothing Like Real Marijuana, Expert Explains
8)      Commentary: Federal Preemption of State Laws Regarding Medical Marijuana
9)      FDA Approves Non-Opioid Painkiller Injection
10)   Six Americans Die From Alcohol Poisoning Daily: CDC Report

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