Teachers and middle- and high-school students: here’s your chance to “Get in the Game” by participating in this informal national survey to help measure the impact of alcohol advertising from the Super Bowl.

The Drug-Free Action Alliance of Ohio is calling for young people from across the country to participate in the “Big Bowl Vote 2011” on Feb. 7, the day after the Super Bowl. The survey is intended to gauge which commercials the students remember and prefer — and to help students more-thoughtfully evaluate alcohol advertising.

Last year’s survey results (known as the Super Bowl Survey 2010) showed that beer commercials were two of the five “most memorable” commercials among the 40,000 youth from 39 states who responded. Other research has suggested that alcohol ads are targeted at youth, the Alliance said, and “the more youth are exposed to alcohol in advertising, the more likely they are to consume alcohol underage.”  

How to participate


Students (and parents):